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quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2012

Y Dreams Robotics - Robotica e Marketing para Copa das Confederações e Copa 2014

YD Robotics (YDR) is guided by the vision of assuming a leading role in the rapidly emerging consumer robotics market, especially in the home robotic segment.
We believe that with currently available technology, intelligence can be added to everyday objects and appliances allowing for the introduction of new revolutionary products for the end-consumer. We foresee a future where robotic components will be pervasive – in appliances, consumer goods, transportation, and military, to name a few. This wide deployment will only be possible with low robotic component costs, high modularity, and reliable products.

This division will continue and consolidate the work YDreams has done in recent years in robotics. Thus far, several projects have been developed in the field of robotics and mechatronics in the past two years at YDreams. The larger and most visible of these was the Santander Interactive Guest Assistants (SIGA) project, a fleet of elegantly designed robots that use swarm interactions to guide guests around the bank’s Visitor Center in Madrid. This project was one of the largest that YDreams has developed in its history and brought the company, as well as the client, a great amount of media attention worldwide.



YDreams’ latest robotics project for Santander’s corporate headquarters in Madrid. The Santander Interactive Guest Assistants (SIGA) are a ground breaking mix of technology and design that function as guides for visitors who need assistance in getting to their destination.


EGGO Robô (2010)

Remote controlled robot used to promote the BrastempEggo mini washing machine at fairs and events.


A special robotic display system was designed for TMN flagship stores, to showcase a mobile phone catalog.


Developed for the Bragança Science Center. Two robotic snail in a fanny race powered by the energy generated by two cyclists.
FONTE: http://www.ydreamsrobotics.com/

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